Actions for Non-Compliance

In the event that a member company does not comply with the program, that company will be put on probation for the period of one year, removed from the membership roster and be required to pay for additional rounds of testing. If the company refuses the additional testing, refuses to participate in, and fund, the initial testing or the additional rounds of tests, or does not pay dues and their share of ADFC expenses during the probation period they will be expelled from membership. If the company passes the additional rounds of testing they will be taken off probation and all membership rights will be reinstated. Ongoing violations may be reported to the appropriate government agencies

A non-member company that has been found to be in violation of the Labeling Compliance Program will be notified in writing and given the same opportunity to retest and appeal as member companies. If the non-member company refuses to participate in retesting and the violations continue, the non-member shall be notified in writing that failure to comply with standards may result in notification being sent to the appropriate government agencies.

Should a “qualifying” non-member company wish to bring a complaint, they must first become a member of the Home Products Fashion Association, join the American Down and Feather Council, and be subject to the same conditions as other members. Should a “non-qualifying” non-member wish to lodge a complaint, they are required to pay a $5,000 per complaint fee in addition to all other costs associated with bringing a complaint.

Down & Feather Terminology

Learn more about the down & feather terminology

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