Collateral Material

Better for Your Health
Down doesn’t just feel good – it is good. ‎A sustainable, renewable ‎resource and natural insulator down has an astounding ‎‎85% – 97% lower environmental ‎impact than polyester fill material. You can rest easy and stay warm knowing that ‎down is the natural, earth friendly choice. View our videos!

Down: Better Insulation. Better for the Environment.

Highlights the key elements of down's environmental superiority in three areas studied: Human Health, Ecosystem, and Climate Change.

Where Do My Down & Feather Products Come From

Infographic addresses the origins of down and feather products as well as industry practices.​

For Your Most Natural Sleep Choose Down

Presents a snapshot view of why choosing down is important to natural sleep.

For a Healthier Sleep Choose Down

Spotlights why using down and feather can lead to healthier sleep.​

Down: Better Insulation. Better for the Environment.

Demonstrates the sustainability of down through a Life Cycle Assessment commissioned by International Down and Feather Bureau of which ADFC is a member.

For a Healthier Sleep

Shows how using down and feather bedding can help with issues that impact restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Naturally Environmentally Friendly

Graphical representation highlighting the eco-friendly aspects of down and feather.​

Download print-ready Infographics and Fact Sheets (PDF format) that focus on the attributes and health benefits of using down and feather products. These collateral materials can be used as point-of-purchase signage or flyers.

Woman waking up in her bed

Social Media

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Consumer Facts

Our Factzzz on Down and Feather offer additional information about the health and wellness benefits of down and feather.